The love he had for the gift will soon be lost when he is worrying about your money troubles, or you can’t pay your share of the bills because you spent it all on his amazing gift.
Especially if it is something useful that can be appreciated each time he uses or wears it. That being said, it doesn’t hurt to splash the cash on your loved one. Don’t buying him something as a joke that you know annoys him! It is easy to that stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason, and whilst some are true, it would be wrong of me to fall in them for this article. Everyone also enjoys a good joke gift, but that is for you to know your partner’s sense of humour, just think about what he finds funny. Every man likes a gift that is practical, that can be used in everyday life. In reality the only difference that exists is the same one that exist with everyone, and that is tastes. There is absolutely no difference at all.