Fiesta san antonio gay bars

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“I think a lot of people were also wondering about the Bonham, because it has been a mainstay of the LGBT community, as well as an important part of San Antonio’s history.” “I was in shock because death was so unexpected,” said Cazares, who runs a lifestyle blog called Socialize San Antonio.

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So, when he learned that the Bonham’s owner Kenneth Garrett died of a heart attack last month, the first thing he did was call the club’s general manager, Lee Haines, to ask if it would remain open. He was drawn by storied gay nightclub’s openness and acceptance, not to mention the music. It’s been his club of choice for great music, dancing and throwing back a few cocktails in the main video bar or out on the patio. Jesse Cazares has been frequenting the Bonham Exchange since he was 18.

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By Rudy Arispe | San Antonio Current Photo by Jaime Monzon

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